When you first spawn into the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, you're given a modest amount of ammo, food, and medicine to start you off, but beware, these things alone are enough to make you a walking target to anyone who might cross your path. You'll have to contend with other survivors (up to 50 on a given server) who might or might not help you out in your quest for supplies. This is basically another life server, where you play a citizen in the city, but in this, you can build bases.So what makes this mod so special? Well for one thing, the shambling corpses aren't the only threat you'll encounter. In other words, it’s a free for all where you must search for weapons and supplies to survive. The problem is though, many other convicts are also given this punishment, and you’re now isolated by yourself in a barren wasteland, with no choice but to survive. In Infinity Exile, you’re a convict sent into exile as punishment. 3 sides must scavenge for resources, and fight each other to gain the advantage. Wasteland servers are essentially a huge team deathmatch with a ton of players. Like previously mentioned, 3 sides fight for control over one area to win. In patrol ops, you cooperate with other players in order to fight and win against enemy AI/bots.

The stakes are high, if you die, you will lose everything you have, and must restart with a whole new life. In Dayz Exile servers, you the player, must scavenge for loot around the country, whether that is food, water, equipment, vehicles, and weapons, in order to survive against both zombies and players. AWG TG DAYZ EXILE CHERNARUS REDUX SURVIVAL The servers with “OFFICIAL” in their name means that they’re being hosted by the actual developers of ARMA 3, pretty cool huh? The official servers are some of the best in the game, mainly because of the game modes and great performance. This isn’t one particular server specifically, but rather, a whole bunch of them. This is a roleplay game mode where you can either play as a police officer or citizen. This mode is pretty cool, essentially, it’s you (players) vs bots, and the main goal of the game mode is to fight for control over the entire map by taking entire cities and towns. Invade and Annex servers put you in an awesome co-op multiplayer experience with a ton of other players (Sometimes up to 80 or more). The first team to 100 points will win the match. The team with the most people inside the zone earns points, which contributes to their victory. Basically, 3 teams fight for control over one area and must stay inside the area to win. Because the action is so focused in one area, it is super-fast paced, intense, and honestly just a whole lot of fun.

This is a server for the popular game mode in ARMA 3, King of The Hill.